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Hamsa Hand Evil Eye Pendant

Very Cute Hamsa Hand Evil Eye Pendant Silver Plated. Chain 20"


The Hamsa Hand Evil Eye necklace is a powerful talisman steeped in centuries of spiritual significance and protective energy.

At the heart of this necklace is the Hamsa Hand, a symbol originating from ancient Middle Eastern and North African cultures. Depicting an open palm with an eye in its center, the Hamsa Hand is believed to ward off evil, protect against negative energies, and bring blessings, luck, and good fortune to its wearer. It serves as a powerful emblem of protection, shielding the wearer from harm and guiding them towards positivity and abundance.

The Evil Eye, represented by the eye in the center of the Hamsa Hand, is a concept found in various cultures worldwide. It is believed to be a malevolent gaze capable of bringing misfortune, injury, or harm to those it beholds. The Evil Eye necklace, with its Hamsa Hand adorned with an eye, serves as a potent talisman for deflecting negative intentions, jealousy, and ill-wishing from others. It acts as a protective barrier, absorbing and neutralizing any negative energy directed towards the wearer.

Wearing the Hamsa Hand Evil Eye necklace not only offers physical adornment but also serves as a reminder of the wearer's spiritual protection and connection to the divine. It symbolizes a belief in the power of positivity, resilience against adversity, and trust in the universe's guidance and protection. As the necklace rests against the heart, it fosters a sense of inner peace, strength, and harmony, empowering the wearer to navigate life's challenges with grace and confidence.



What is a Hamsa Evil Eye? Hamsa Evil Eye is an apotropaic hand-shaped protective amulet having a blue/green eye placed in the center of the palm. Hamsa Hand is the famous protection symbol in the Middle East, but its cultural values are prevalent in almost every culture. The Hamsa Evil Eye amulet consists of five spread fingers.

The evil eye is a supernatural belief in a curse brought about by a malevolent glare, usually inspired by envy. It is believed to have existed more than 5,000 years ago as amulets to protect against it have been found dating back to about 5,000 years ago. The belief in the evil eye is prevalent in many cultures in the Mediterranean region, the Balkans, the Middle East, and Central Asia.
The evil eye is thought to cause misfortune or injury to those who receive it. Amulets and talismans are used to ward off the evil eye, with some of the most famous talismans being the nazar amulet and the hamsa. Eye beads are also popular amulets and talismans used to ward off the evil eye.