Starting from:


Crystal Special Set

Grab this beautiful set of Rough Crystals from all over the World.



Includes 10 Beautiful Rough Crystals and 10 Cute little Crystal Hearts!


Rough Crystals include:


Amethyst - Bolivia

Bloodstone - India

Green Aventurine - India

Tiger's Eye - India

Chrysoprase - Madagascar

Red Carnelian - India

Rose Quartz - Brazil

Lepidolite - Brazil

Selenite Stick


Hearts Include:  2 Green Aventurine, 2 Blue Aventurine 2 Rose Quartz, 2 Golden Healer Quartz


Amethyst stimulates the Third Eye, Crown, enhancing cognitive perception and the development of intuitive and psychic ability. It initiates wisdom and greater understanding and is a stone of comfort for those grieving the loss of a loved one. Excellent stone for meditation and scrying and can be placed on the Third Eye to stimulate it. 


As its name suggests, Bloodstone is an excellent blood cleanser and healer as well as the ability to banish evil & negativity. It heightens the intuition & increases creativity. Bloodstone is also an excellent grounding & protecting stone. Mentally, Bloodstone calms the mind, enhances decision-making. Emotionally, Bloodstone helps in grounding the heart energy, reduces aggressiveness & impatience.  


Green Aventurine is a comforter, a heart healer and a general harmonizer. It strengthens the connection to the Earth, enhances a profound appreciation of Mother Nature’s gifts. Green Aventurine enforces the belief that there is plenty to go around. Green Aventurine helps one to see the opportunities in every obstacle, inspires confidence and optimistic mindset to help reform thinking to focus on the positives. Green Aventurine has a gentle vibration nurtures emotional balance and revitalizes the body to its natural state of joy.


Tiger’s Eye combines the earth energy with the energies of the sun to create a high vibrational state that is grounded, which draws the spiritual energies to the earth. Tiger’s Eye is also a protective stone that was traditionally carried as a talisman to ward against ill wishes and curses. Tiger’s Eye is known for, enhancing perception, healing issues with self-worth, self-criticism, blocked creativity. Tiger’s Eye can aid in night visions. 


Chrysoprase comes from the Greek translation of “chrusos” which means golden, and “prason” which means leek. It refers to the golden-leek green color of this crystal. Chrysoprase was used by the Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks in order to make signets, seals, jewelry and other ornamental objects due to its vivid color. Dubbed the stone of Venus, the chrysoprase stone is the most valuable and rarest rich-apple-green crystal in the green chalcedony family. The ancients have said it promotes love of truth. Chrysoprase imparts a sense of being a part of the divine whole. It induces deep meditative states. 


Carnelian grounds and anchors you in the present reality. In ancient times it was used to protect the dead on their journey to the afterlife. It gives courage, promotes positive choices, motivates for success in business and other matters. Carnelian improves analytic abilities and clarifies perception. It sharpens concentration and dispels mental lethargy. This stone emotionally, is a powerful protector against envy, rage and resentment, your own or others. Carnelian is full of life force and vitality and stimulates the metabolism. Red Carnelian warms and energizes. It is particularly useful for combating sluggishness and for invigorating the mind and body. 


Chrysocolla is a tranquil and sustaining stone. It helps meditation and communication. At home, it draws off negative energies of all kinds. Helps with serenity situations, invoking inner strength. Can be beneficial to relationships that have become rocky, helping with stabilization. Chrysocolla clams, cleanses and reenergizes all Chakras, it draws out negative emotions. At the Heart Chakra, it helps heals heartache, at the Throat it improves communications, at Third Eye it helps open psychic vision. Chrysocolla encourages self-awareness and inner balance, enhances personal power and inspires creativity. 


Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. Rose Quartz is the most important crystal for the heart and heart chakra. This crystal purifies and opens the Heart, brings deep inner healing and self-love. Rose Quartz is a love attracting crystal, it works at drawing love & relationships towards you. It can encourage meaningful friendships, as well as strengthen family bonds. 


The meaning of Lepidolite Crystals is connected to the lavender hues of this beautiful stone. This gemstone is associated with the Chakras of the Third Eye & Crown. These aspects are what gives the Lepidolite crystal its powerful ability to sooth your mind and spirit. This is a gentle Gemstone so DO NOT GET WET, this stone can break down in water so to cleanse & charge this stone can be done by sage, moonlight, sunlight, placing it on Selenite (a natural crystal charger). 


Selenite can aid in clearing your mind, sharpen your awareness and restore balance of the body & mind. Selenite’s gentle healing qualities also provide protection from negative energy so is great to keep in your home or sacred space. Selenite is also great for cleansing your other crystals.