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Crackle Quartz Gold Pendants

Beautiful Gold-Plated Tumbled CRACKLE QUARTZ Pendants in various Vibrant Colors. 100% Genuine Quartz, variations in size, shape & color are expected.



What is Crackle Quartz you might ask? It is a crystalline quartz that has been intentionally fractured. The rock crystal is heated to a high temperature, then suddenly quench it in cold water that has had beautiful color dye added to it, so the shock of sudden cooling causes a network of tiny fractures to propagate through the quartz and the dye produces rich colors in the quartz.

Crackle quartz retains the healing qualities of quartz as well as the chakra properties. They have properties to counteract negative energy. It is known as an excellent amulet to help avoid evil energy.


Chakra: Crown (as powerful as Clear Quartz is, it can be used for all Chakras)
Planets: All (though many associate it more with the Sun)
Elements: Air, Fire, Earth, Water (though many associate it more with Fire)
Zodiacs: All 

Quartz is a hard crystalline mineral composed of silica. The word “Quartz” came from the German word “Quarz”. There are many varieties of quartz, some of which are classified as gemstones. Quartz crystals were valued by the ancient Egyptians as talismans with powers to prevent aging. Since the time of antiquity, many varieties of quartz have been mostly used for the making of jewelry, hardstone carvings, beads and scarab figures. All Chakras, zodiacs and associated with the Sun/Moon planets as well as all elements Air/Fire/Earth/Water

Clear quartz is the most powerful crystal healer and energy amplifier on the planet because of its unique helical spiral crystalline form. It is often used to strengthen the effect of other crystals, purify energy, and aid in manifestation. This beautiful transparent, colorless Crystal is a must for any crystal collector.
Clear quartz has been known to be a powerful Crystal with restorative and amplifying energy. Many uses are with other stones to strengthen their effects, making it a great addition to your crystal collection. And it’s an amazing crystal that works with all the Chakras, clearing and activating them, can also be used to purify the physical and energetic bodies.
Clear Quartz is also mostly known for as the "master healer", it absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy, drawing off negative energy of all kinds. It balances and revitalizes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Clear Crystals are also used to cleanse and enhance the organs, as well can act as a soul cleanser by connecting one to the physical dimension with the mind. Want to enhance psychic abilities? Use Clear Quartz.  It aids concentration, unlocks memory and enhance mental clarity.  Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance.